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Tips for the best travel photographs

30 Jul 2018

We’ve become a generation of photographers. Our smartphones can take good quality snaps that we can manipulate, enhance, and then post on social media within seconds of taking them. We can download them onto our computers, send them to the Cloud and, if you really want to go ‘Old School’ print them out instantly on cheap colour printers.

Photos are a snapshot of a memorable moment, a special place, an adventure of a lifetime. If you’re travelling and want to take home a pocketful of fabulous memories, how do you take the best travel photographs? Here’s a few top tips.

Practice before you leave

Getting to know what your camera can do (whether it’s an internal camera on your smartphone or a sophisticated DSLR with all the attachments) is important. It’s also important to know how to avoid common pitfalls, like blurry, out of focus or the dreaded ‘thumb’ shots.  Play around with both portrait and landscape aspects, try different lenses (including snap-on lenses for smartphones), and experiment with different angles. Ditch the selfie stick and start taking real photographs rather than just ‘happy snaps’.

What a difference a day makes…

If you’re staying at a Premier Inn close to a major attraction and the clouds roll in, why not head back to your hotel and try again tomorrow? Rather than simply snapping away regardless of the conditions, have a little bit of patience and wait for everything to be perfect, including the weather. Try heading out early in the morning or late in the evening when the light is softer, especially if you’re taking landscape shots.

Know your filters

Don’t worry too much if you’re not the world’s best photographer. If you’re using a smartphone and have Instagram, why not try some of the filters before you post? Look for filters that sharpen up an image, soften colours, or add interesting effects. Earlybird will bring out the clouds to give you dramatic ‘early morning’ colours, while Lo-Fi gives you greater contrast. Want to go really retro? Try Gotham for a monochrome look.

Take a picture of something unique

You’re sure to have plenty of shots of the usual tourist hotspots, but why not head off and look for something a little different? Try to avoid ‘generic’ photos that could be taken anywhere, and capture the personality and character of the place you’re visiting with some unique pictures? Don’t forget that the people are as much a part of a location (but remember to ask permission first, as some people don’t like having their picture taken).

Selfies – stay safe

There has to be a few selfies in there, but don’t take risks when trying to get that perfect selfie with a great mountain backdrop. Make sure that you stay safe whenever taking selfies.

And finally…

Take an extra memory card so that you never have that dreaded ‘memory full’ warning come up!