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How to get a good night’s sleep

Sleep is our thing. We're here to ensure all our guests get a great night’s sleep. Staying on your own, with friends or the whole family, we're here to help you rest easy.

We all know it’s important to get a great night’s sleep - it sets you up for the day ahead, and it works wonders for our wellbeing too. We’ve shared our top tips to make sure you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever the day throws at you!

Try and get to bed at the same time

We know it can be tough, especially if you’ve travelled across several time zones to get here, but try and keep in sync with your body’s natural sleeping/waking cycle. This is known as the circadian rhythm and is the key to waking up and feeling totally refreshed. To avoid tossing and turning, don’t try and ‘get an early night’ if you’re not tired, and by the same token don’t wait until you literally cannot keep your eyes open before you tumble into bed, as it may actually be counter-productive.

Turn down the lights

Cosy nights and bright mornings are what we all need. The brightness of a room tells our body when it’s time to wake up, or go to sleep. Our black-out curtains are great for creating a dark environment to get to sleep, but it’s equally important to spend at least 30 minutes each morning outside in the natural daylight. So be sure to soak up the morning rays, there’s plenty of them here in the Middle East!

Wellbeing breaks

Take a sleep wellbeing break three times day. Switch off with a tech-free break, enjoying your favourite brew with no screens or distractions, can do wonders for your sleep health. The three-minute brain break, three times a day, will put you on the right path for a good night’s sleep.



Time to unwind

Make time to unwind before bed. For an hour before bed, practice your best rest, unwind your mind and relax. Enjoy a gentle exercise routine or practice mindful breathing techniques can help your whole body prepare for some much needed shut-eye. Try our mobility and stretching session with wellbeing expert Hilal Leigh to help you rest easy.

Comfy sleep environment

Your bedroom is at the heart of your sleep wellbeing plan. A tidy room leads to a tidy mind, get into good habits and freshen up your space to give ‘clean vibes’ to relax and drift off.

Keeping your bedroom at a cooler temperature at night has more impact than brightness on how well you sleep. No-one wants to sleep in a hot, stuffy room! All our bedrooms have AC to keep you cool in the warmer Arabian nights.

And the crowning glory, our super-comfy beds and fluffy pillows. Rest easy knowing you’ll be sleeping in the bed of your dreams when you stay with us.  

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