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Max 2 per room Adults
0-15 years Children

International Development

Be part of new chapter at Premier Inn

Premier Inn Hotels LLC as an owner-operator has experience of developing its own hotels and at this time is looking to further its growth within the United Arab Emirates.

Target Locations
For us, attractive locations are within proximity of business districts/parks, government offices, airports, transport hubs, industrial areas, hospitals and educational institutions.

Our Product

Locations will have or afford space for up to 400 rooms.

  • Average net room area: 24 to 28m2
  • Average gross room area: 50 to 55m2 (excluding car parking)

Hotels with strong design and architectural credentials.

Our Requirement

Built up are requirement as follows:

  • 200 bedrooms 112,980ft2 / 10,500m2
  • 250 bedrooms 141,225ft2 / 13,125m2
  • 300 bedrooms 169,470ft2 / 15,750m2
  • 350 bedrooms 197,715ft2 / 18,375m2
  • 400 bedrooms 224,960ft2 / 21,000m2
  • Car Parking @ 377ft2 / 35m2 per space (quantity required as per Municipality building regulations)

Get in touch

Get in touch

If you are interested in becoming part of the Premier Inn success story in the UAE, contact Joe Rahim, Vice President Development

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